20,000+ products, 1,300 new lysates, Abpromise stats, Abupdate & news

General Developments

Abpromise - your Guardian AngelAbpromise stats (Oct-Dec):
97.9% optimise and succeed
1.3% get needed Abpromise / tech support and tips
0.8% need a replacement to succeed or receive a refund
100% support

72 new antibodies, 13 new Abreviews (4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5) average), 1 antibodies with new references, 9 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: IHC-P using CTGF antibody (ab6992)

Cell Biology
472 new antibodies, 72 new Abreviews (4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5) average), 14 antibodies with new references, 101 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: ICC/IF using TXNRD1 antibody (ab16840)

56 new antibodies, 21 new Abreviews (4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5) average), 22 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: ICC/IF using Drosha antibody (ab12286)

3rd Abcam Chromatin Structure & Function meeting (Dominican Republic, 5-8 Dec 2006);
speaker list & registration available next week.
120 ChIP grade antibodies
UK Chromatin Meeting 2006: Speakers, details and registration

Loading Controls (the WB must have!)
1 new antibody, 4 new Abreviews (5 stars (out of 5)5 stars (out of 5)5 stars (out of 5)5 stars (out of 5)5 stars (out of 5) average), 2 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: Western Blot using beta Actin antibody [mAbcam 8226] - Loading Control (ab20272)

131 new antibodies, 26 new Abreviews (4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5) average), 5 antibodies with new references, 50 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: ICC/IF using Amyloid Precursor Protein antibody (ab15272)

Neuroscience antibodies & protocols brochure now available!
Apoptosis: mitochondrial and death receptor pathways (C. Hooper and R. Killick)

Nuclear Signaling
162 new antibodies, 27 new Abreviews (4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5) average), 2 antibodies with new references, 33 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: IHC-P using FOXC1 antibody (ab5079)

Stem Cells
106 new antibodies, 18 new Abreviews (4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5) average), 2 antibodies with new references, 33 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: IHC-P using Collagen IV antibody (ab19808)

News and events
Abcam World Stem Cell meeting, December 2006, Cancun, Mexico.
Chair: Fiona Watt. Speaker list and registration coming soon.
– New whole cell lysates from embryonic stem cell lines
– New Wnt3a antibodies
1st UK Mesenchymal Stem Cell meeting; June 2006. Register now!
– New Otx2 antibody

Tags & Cell Markers
45 new antibodies, 23 new Abreviews (4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5)4 stars (out of 5) average), 4 antibodies with new references, 21 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: IHC-P using beta Galactosidase antibody (ab616)

Fast Abpromise support, free loading control samples, Abupdate & news

General Developments

    • >95% of (web) Abpromise support requests responded to within 24 hours
    • Free loading control sample with every WB-tested antibody (whilst stocks last)

75 new antibodies, 19 new Abreviews, 11 antibodies with new references, 37 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: WB using FAK (phospho Y397) antibody (ab4803)

Cell Biology
1176 new antibodies, 148 new Abreviews, 96 antibodies with new references, 261 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: IHC-P using Cytokeratin 14 antibody [LL002] (ab9280)

99 new antibodies, 37 new Abreviews, 27 antibodies with new references, 59 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: IHC-P using PCNA antibody - Proliferation Marker (ab2426)

2006 Abcam Chromatin Structure & Function meeting (Dominican Republic, 5-8 Dec 2006), registration coming soon.

Loading Controls
5 new Abreviews, 7 new references, 5 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Western Blot using beta Tubulin antibody - Loading Control (ab6046)

217 new antibodies, 60 new Abreviews, 28 antibodies with new references, 123 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: ICC/IF using Pax2 antibody (ab23799)

Neuroscience catalogues now available!

Nuclear Signaling
194 new antibodies, 59 new Abreviews, 25 antibodies with new references, 62 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

IHC image using Estrogen Receptor beta antibody (ab5786)

Stem Cells
222 new antibodies, 29 new Abreviews, 18 antibodies with new references, 61 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

FACS using CD90 / Thy1 antibody [OX7] (ab8872)

News and events
UK Stem Cell meeting; March 2006.
1st UK Mesenchymal Stem Cell meeting; June 2006.
Register now!

Tags & Markers
95 new antibodies, 49 new Abreviews, 28 antibodies with new references, 60 antibodies with new applications / species.
( view all )

Abreview image: ICC/IF using GFP antibody (ab290) on mouse liver

Top forty position, Sunday Times Microsoft Tech Track

In the widely respected Sunday Times Microsoft Tech Track league table for 2005, Abcam secured 39th place nationally for fastest growing unquoted technology companies. This makes Abcam one of the consistently fastest growing companies in the UK as it is the third consecutive year that Abcam has been ranked in the top 40.

US office on the move

Two years to the month after establishing a permanent presence in the US, Abcam tripled the size of its operation by moving to new 3,000 sq ft premises at the same address in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The larger offices enabled the company to expand its office administration, customer and technical services, product storage and dispatch functions in line with continued business growth in the US.

Queen’s Award at first attempt

The Queen's Award LogoThe Queen’s Award for Enterprise has been running since 1966 and is widely recognised as the premier award for business performance in the UK; granted annually for outstanding business achievement. At its first attempt, Abcam was just one of 135 companies across the UK to win one of these coveted awards. Abcam demonstrated excellent year-on-year growth in overseas sales between 2002 and 2004 with 84% of sales during these three years coming from overseas customers. The award is positive proof of the company’s outstanding success as an international business.

More space

Continued growth over the previous two years and anticipated growth in the foreseeable future prompted Abcam to move to new premises on the Cambridge Science Park. The new home is the company’s third on the Science Park, where it has been based since 2000. At 13,000 sq ft the facility is double the size of the previous unit. A significantly larger laboratory area has allowed Abcam to extend both the scope of its product characterisation and further increase the number of products available to customers. The larger premises also means that new members of staff can be recruited to maintain Abcam’s technical and customer service edge in the market place.

A faster service

International customers, particularly those in the US, benefited from an even faster website service after Abcam transferred its web server to Redbus in London. Furthermore, the relocation (including new hardware and software implementations) will provide greater website stability and uptime, making product and ordering information even more easy to access.

First place in Deloitte’s Fast 50

Abcam’s winning ways reached new heights after it secured two awards in the space of a month. Appearing in Deloite’s Regional Technology Fast 50 league table for the third consecutive year, Abcam topped the table on the strength of sales that grew 7,200 % between 1999 and 2003. Less than a month previously, Abcam had, for the second year, been ranked as one of Britain’s fastest growing technology companies in the Sunday Times Microsoft Tech Track 100.

Top forty position, Sunday Times Microsoft Tech Track

In the widely respected Sunday Times Microsoft Tech Track league table for 2004, Abcam secured 40th place nationally for fastest growing unquoted technology companies. This follows last year’s ranking of 13th.

50th employee hired